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My name is Qiuyang Li. I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Physics, University of Michigan, working with Prof. Hui Deng.

My current research focuses on ultrafast and photoemission spectroscopic studies of excitons, polarons, polaritons, and charge carrier dynamics in low-dimensional semiconductors and magnets, such as colloidal nanocrystals and 2D van der Waals materials. These researches aim to explore and manipulate the optical and electronic properties of these materials and provide insights into the optical gain, light-matter interactions, and charge transfer processes, benefiting interfacial chemical reaction, solar energy conversion, optoelectronics, lasing, and quantum information science.

My future research interests lie on cavity-engineering of quantum materials and photochemistry. I will utilize rationally designed photonic cavities to confine, control, and amplify the vacuum oscillation or laser field amplitude to establish, sense, and manipulate the photoexcited states, charge carrier dynamics, collective behaviors, and electronic and magnetic ground states of quantum materials.